Robert J. Confessore Ph.D. FACSM, ACSM-CEP, EP-C, EIM3, NREMT
The human body is an incredibly complex, carbon, water, and bioelectric based organism that was DESIGNED TO MOVE at ANY AGE. That tenet will never change. A plethora of research supports this biological, physiological, and evolutionary fact. In fact, every chronic disease process that seniors in our country are plagued with in frightening numbers has a hypo–kinetic [lack of movement] statistical component.
As we age, physical activity and exercise, whose definition is more structured, remains as or more important than at any time in our lives. At some point in life if you don’t move- you can’t move. That will change everything.
About Me
Train with an Expert Your Age
Since returning to Montana ten years ago I’ve been employed as a clinical exercise physiologist at Logan Health where my clinical responsibilities were extensive and diverse. I’m currently on the emergency room staff of Logan Health Kalispell. For a complete listing of my career experiences please download my CV.
For those Montana seniors challenged by chronic diseases and medical conditions, I’d like to work with you to improve your quality of life. These may include heart, pulmonary, or kidney disease, cancer, hypertension, stroke, diabetes mellitus, obesity, post-surgical orthopedic challenges, osteopenia, osteoporosis, and arthritis. I am in my late sixties and like many of you have had to deal with significant health challenges. I’ve worked hard to recover from two total hip replacements. I’m currently living with many of the same ageing challenges that you are. I know what it takes to attenuate or overcome them.
Should you choose to work with me I will meet with you to understand your complete medical history and listen carefully as you share your health, activity, and fitness goals. This will allow me to design a training program specifically for you. I will then come to your home and train you one-on-one. I will bring the necessary equipment, you will bring the attitude, will, and determination to improve your quality of life
Exercise Smarter NOT Necessarily Harder
SAFETY during exercise as seniors is imperative. The program that I design and execute with you will help you get the most from the time you devote to exercise. I’ll recommend a balance of cardiovascular/aerobic, resistance, and flexibility exercise. Cardiovascular or aerobic training provides cardio protection and aids in lifetime weight control. Resistance and flexibility training has everything to do with remaining functional and independent as we age, as well as contributing to lifetime weight control. Remaining independent relative to activities of daily living [ADL’s] is crucial. Loss of independence is one of the most difficult psychological challenges for human beings. I will focus on SAFE exercise progression starting with more simple movements and exercises and progressing to the more complex.
NOT Cutting It!
According to the Centers for Disease Control, only 22.7% of adults in the US currently meet the recommended physical activity guideline of 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity. Less than 6.8% meet the minimum guidelines for improving muscular strength! A whopping 46% of approximately 320 million Americans, meet none! Whether you choose to work with me or not, please don’t be one of these people!
Everyone is looking for that “magic bullet”-that medication, exercise, food, or supplement that is the cure for all the diseases that plague us. What if I made you aware of a medication that is anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-osteoporotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-obesity, anti-dementia, and cardio protective?? Well, there is such a “medication”- it is EXERCISE!
EIM or Exercise Is Medicine® is an international initiative developed by the American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM]. In 2007 ACSM and the American Medical Association co-launched EIM, a U.S. based global initiative that now exists in 40 countries worldwide. Its vision is to make physical activity and promotion a standard in critical care. As a Fellow of ACSM, I’ve worked within this initiative and was honored to receive an ACSM Global Leadership Award.
NO Falls Insurance
Falls are a common and often devastating problem among older people, resulting in increased morbidity, mortality, and use of health care services including emergency room visits and premature nursing home admissions. Falls are the leading cause of injury, death, and loss of independence in older Americans. The mortality rate for falls dramatically increases with age in both sexes and in all racial and ethnic groups; with falls accounting for 75% of accidental deaths in persons aged 75 and older. In my current clinical work, I experience each day that falls can be catastrophic as we age.
I am a strong advocate of training specifically designed to prevent falls and enhance balance, stability, and proprioception. I will design and then execute this program for you.
Training In Paradise!
We are so very fortunate in Western Montana to live in a spectacularly beautiful part of the country. Research indicates that breathing in fresh air and soaking up vitamin D improves many aspects of physical health. And you cannot separate the mind and the body. Being outdoors is associated with increasing the ability to concentrate, and lowering stress hormones. Time spent outdoors elicits transcendent emotions such as awe, wonder, and connecting to something larger than ourselves. Outdoor activity essentially rests the brain. I’ve always felt that time spent outdoors is the antidote to modern life. And these benefits are separate from the exercise benefits! That’s “icing on the cake”! Let me be your trainer and exercise companion in the outdoors. Walking, hiking, cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, cycling are all awesome outdoor options. As an advanced emergency medical technician with inner city emergency room experience AND a doctoral level exercise physiologist- I will keep you safe while enjoying the outdoors and achieving your health and fitness goals.
My Philosophy
When I was a college professor training exercise science and allied health professionals, specifically future personal trainers, I shared with them that I believed that to be most effective at doing their jobs, they must educate clients during the entire process of training them.
I believe that to this day. I will teach you the basics and fundamentals of exercise prescription. I will teach you multiple routines and exercises that will allow you to monitor progress and frequently modify exercise programming. I will teach you to be your own heart rate monitor. A big part of my work will be to help you work through the motivation continuum to the point of being intrinsically motivated to continue activity as long as you live. And there will be many attempts to have FUN during this process.
An Investment in Yourself
Please consider the costs of working with me a true investment in yourself. Although my hourly rate is higher than average rates for personal trainers in Montana, I believe that my education, credentials, training, experience, and understanding of our cohort warrants this. I will get you quantifiable results to justify your investment!
Pre-Exercise Screening Documents
Please download and complete these important documents. Be assured that I will keep all protected health information [PHI] confidential and protected as stipulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA] of 1996.
Training Package Plans With Discounts
4 Session Pack
Starter/Experimental/Fine Tune
Individual Training Sessions
8 Session Pack
Solid Month of Individualized Training
12 Session Package
Solid 4-6 Week/ 2-3 Session per Week Plan
16 Session Pack
Solid 8 Week/2 Session per Week Package
24 Session Pack
Extended Training Schedule